Dave Graddick
Growing up in a military family, I always had to sport buzz cuts. Father's orders. I didn't discover until college at Northwestern University that I actually had honest-to-God curly hair. #GoCats.
My dad traveled the world working on missile defense. I want to do the same carrying massive ideas. I don't think advertising has reached its full potential yet as a creative arsenal for good.
I’ve done stints at Leo Burnett, Big River Advertising, Capital One, UWG and Whirlpool.
I'm for hire, curly hair and all.
Currently, I live in Chicago. But every army brat knows your duty station can change at the drop of a hat. And that home is wherever there are people who love you, dearly.
dave dot graddick at gmail dot com
When Capital One rolled out chip-enabled credit cards nationwide, I was charged with creating a full cycle of communications to spread the news. This included direct mail, emails, brochures, and buck slips.